The cost of designing a store website

How much does it cost to design a store website? What should be done to build an online store website? What cost should we consider for designing a store website? We at Agha web site design and digital marketing company are specialized in this field and we have considered the price of site design with […]
Some important points in website design

If you decide to start a new website design for your business, don’t worry if you don’t know where to start and what tips to follow. We help you to have an attractive, powerful and user-friendly website. In order to order your website, before any action, it is necessary to consider the needs of your […]
digital marketing company, Web Agha

Currently, due to the advancement of technology and the importance of digital marketing or online marketing, there are few people who use advertisements in the traditional way. In fact, this type of advertising has lost its importance and new methods have replaced it. Businesses and big businesses should act on new strategies to increase their […]
Why website design in Spain?

Website design in Spain is very important these days. Because Spain is one of the advanced and important countries in the world and its economy is ranked 13th in the world; In addition to the fact that it has managed to occupy the 5th place among European countries, as a result, there is a lot […]
SEO marketing and its importance

SEO marketing and its importance is the subject that we intend to examine in this article. SEO means site optimization for search engines. SEO and digital marketing is an important and integral part, and it is a process by which a website is optimized for better visibility; to have better results and rankings in related […]
Website design in Sweden

Website design in Sweden is popular and in high demand, which is due to the development of internet businesses in this country. If you do a search on Google about website design, you will find that old and famous websites belong to foreign countries. Stay with us in the rest of this article to provide […]
Digital marketing and its application

Digital marketing is a form of marketing of products and services that is done through electronic devices. You surely know that digital marketing is not a relatively new topic. The first digital marketing that took place in the world is related to more than 100 years ago in the world. For example, the radio was […]
What is off-page SEO and on-page SEO?

When talking about professional SEO, it actually refers to search engine optimization. This means that your site will find the ability to be at the top of the search engine while attracting more user traffic. Professional SEO is divided into two parts: off-page SEO and on-page SEO, which we will refer to in the following. […]
The importance of frequently asked questions page in store website design

Customer orientation is very important in designing a store website. Especially in store websites, otherwise you will lose your customers. Having a properly configured and optimized FAQ page is essential for both customers and search engines. The importance of frequently asked questions page in store website design You may be asked why we need a […]
Website design price

The website design price is determined based on the features you need for your website. For example, some websites have more pages or many features, whose price is definitely different from a simple corporate website. In fact, the price of website design is classified as follows: Simple website design Average website design Advanced website design […]
Business directory website design

Designing a business directory website is like a reference where companies can list their services. These types of websites can be a solution to the needs of the audience in any field of work. Because most users and service seekers tend to choose the best company by viewing complete information and comparing the services of […]
Website design for Iranians abroad

Website design for Iranians abroad is one of the services provided by Web Agha Team. Website design is important and necessary for any business. Today, no business can succeed without being recognized. With years of activity in the field of website design for Iranians abroad, Agha web team has managed to provide valuable services to […]